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Meeting notes from 23/4/24 (Taken by Moira Williams):

13th May will be a drop-in session at Mwldan with DCWW re new sewage treatment plans

Still looking for farm reps for this group


DCWW – continuation of plans re Cardigan development. Awaiting Ofwat decisions.

WI groups with Teifi & Me project creating mural for wall at Paddlers in Llandysul.


Another slurry spill on Hirwaen – 4th in 2 months. NRW putting in cont monitoring to get to the bottom of where from. Issue of weekend/night-time dumping of slurry.


NRW – hackathon –6 themes came from it – Jon working on ideas to take them forward/by who

Of the 12 varied permits for DCWW only 6 now outstanding

Work ongoing on Dulas – volunteer groups/agri visits/remeandering

Cors Caron raised bog project finished – guided walk  9th May

Llechryd orthophos readings – a definite wave pattern seen. NRW to report back if any reason why.

STT – Llais yr Afon project started. School visits started. Awaiting kits from CeCC. Call out for volunteers. Liasing with current monitoring. Source to Sea walk. Petition to Senedd.

Liza (CeCC) has 10 packs for community use

Discussion on where data will be going. EpiCollect app? Survey123? Harriet to email details.

Court case in Aber Mag Crt in May re slurry spill in Teifi catchment. (where?)

NMB/Stakeholder group – nut man plans underway for the 3 catchments – suggested we see them before they go to the board for feedback – their next mtg June 5th

CeCC – still identifying 1st phase monitoring sites. Clearwater monitoring. 4 phos, 1 nitrate, multiple sondes, 3 tmp probes. Correlating with NRW rainfall and river height data. Site at Cilgerran, Cenarth – need to talk to landowner. Maybe Emlyn? Llanio and Llanybydder.

Finishing the details for 2nd phase bid. To get supplier for more monitoring equipment. To fill in gaps from 1st phase. Esp tributary areas. Use cit sci to help fill gaps. Overlay monitoring data with all other data eg land use, barriers, houses, etc. To roll out this project to other council areas.

Liza organising the 1st mtg of the NMB/TAG monitoring sub-group 9th May

Wetlands feasibility study – stalled. Issues with NRW and the discharge land belongiing to a 3rd person, not NRW/DCWW. Also- wet woodland could add to the nutrient issue? (Dr Alice Muller research unit in London?) Something for the Demonstrator project to look at?

NRW have issued a permit for controlled beaver release in Teifi catchment! Away from main river and main tributaries. Owner will be monitoring.

WWRT – Cont Sediment Pathways programme – 500 points identified – farmyard/arable/livestock/road. Remedial suggestions ongoing.

INNS – planning full eradication on Dulas and Nant Ceiliog. NRW to feed back on results of rust trials on Ystwyth – has it survived the winter?

9.8km fencing – full livestock exclusion.

2 rainwater planters. Fishpass scheme ongoing.

Jo new Adopt a Tributary community officer Carm.

Llais yr Afon started.

Outfall Safari – template due in a couple of weeks.

Forestry – liming at top of catchment

Next meeting 16 July