Teifi Walk

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  • #90
    Jim Bowen


    At the moment there is a plan to walk from Clynfyw Farm (Abercych) to Poppit Sands on Friday 11th August 2023 to raise awareness (and funds)  for the Save the Teifi Campaign.

    At the meeting on Thursday 9th March in Theatre Mwldan it appeared there might be potential to extend this walk to a series of walks along the whole river with different interested groups leading different parts…ending with a celebration of the river and our committed community on the beach at the end.

    If you (or someone you know) would like to get involved in this, please contact jim.clynfyw@gmail.com

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by NDCrisp.

    Shouldn’t the meeting referenced be 9th March?


    The aim is for people to walk from Llechryd Cricket Club to Poppit along riverside paths and  roads, across footpaths and through the Wildlife Centre, supported by marshals with water stops and snacks along the way – gathering at 10.30 and setting off at 11. No one will be expected to walk the whole way, although many people might, and we will have a gathering of some sort at the start at Llechryd, and also at the end on Poppit…more info soon! We have set up a linked crowd funder page for Save the Teifi so people can support that if they want to (see below).

    The Crowd Funder Donation page is now live…. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/save-the-teifi-1

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by NDCrisp.
    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by NDCrisp.

    Save the Teifi Walk Poster Update 30Jun2023

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by NDCrisp.
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